Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pacific Rim: The Surprise Hit of The Summer?

Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro, the man responsible for Hellboy and the dark, fascinating Pan's Labyrinth looks set to orchestrate something of a coup over the established summer blockbuster "sure-bets" like Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel. Though there has been plenty of good stuff to watch, there's always room for a dark horse to captivate fans used to certain franchises. Pacific Rim from pre-release reviews could be the movie people will be talking about as the next big thing. It has plenty an adult moviegoer would like to see and everything kids would want in a movie.

The movie is set in the year 2020 and mankind is under attack from very very big amphibious beasts (the Kaiju) that have escaped from a gargantuan crack in the floor of the pacific ocean and have killed millions in a seven year war. The governments and corporations of the world come together to build equally huge warrior robots (the Jaegers) that have enough weaponry to make popular robot heroes like the  Transformers and even Voltron look ordinary.

The movie stars Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam & Ron Perlman among a host of others as a team of fighters who pilot the robots tasked with saving humanity. Its basically a movie about robots fighting monsters and fans of Del Toro's work should expect something entertaining when the credits roll. Some critics have pilloried it for trying to mirror Will Smith's  Independence Day. Well critics will be critics, some watch to critique while some like us watch to enjoy.


  1. Its an amazing movie if you like action and robots; although I am not a big fan of robots, I loved the movie, the music and the story! "lets go fishing" and "Today we are canceling the apocalypse!"

  2. @ Diwali - I haven't gotten round to seeing the movie but I'm about to. I'm a sucker for warrior robots

  3. i am very sick and tired of everybody putting this movie down, this is the reason i 100 per cent hate hollywood and all that it stands for. i love this movie and if the rotten to the core drug induced pc,crowed dont, like they can all go to hell, nuff said, because holly wood is nothing more then a christian bashing, gun grabing human cesspool anyway. amen.

  4. Truth is I was brought up on giant good-guy robots. Really can't tell why audiences these are days are intentionally difficult to please. The dialogue may not have been worthy of Gone With The Wind but the action and concept is great. Idris Elba gave a good show as well

  5. I can't believe all the negative reviews I've seen being said about this movie. Pacific Rim is a better movie than it is being lead to believe. People are complaining that the movie is lacking the "human element" and that it us all cliche and terrible. Hello! the movie depicts people in giant mech warriors fighting huge monsters trying to destroy mankind. Its supposed to be cliche. Its a throwback to the old 60's and 70's Japanese monster movies (but with robots!). Pacific Rim is probably going to be my second favorite movie of the year behind star trek. people need to stop being so demanding n serious and let a movie be fun. It was a fun refreshing movie with a unique plot and i enjoyed it thoroughly. Every time a kaiju was getting pounded on i had my gusts in the air whispering "go humanity". A must see ask check it out

  6. Fists i might add. Fists arms feet. Cause i wanted to beat on those monsters too

  7. No one hates the movie because of the robots and aliens... people hate it because the acting is simply far, far below par... apart from Idris.
    And yes people have the right to complain when they spend their money at the cinema unlike those that 'steal' movies!
